About eTender Publication

The Office of the Chief Procuremet Officer (OCPO) has a mandate to ensure that public sector organizations in South Africa honour the provisions of the section 217 of the Constitution when spending taxpayer's money on procurement of goods,services and works. The eTender Publications Portal is one of the initiatives instituted by OCPO to support fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective procurement in an easy to access, single point of entry, technology driven facility. The service is an attempt to improve opportunities for bussiness in South Africa to identify and compete for government tender opportunities put out to bid.

It is worth noting that this portal displays on a daily basis all public sector tenders in South Africa. The portal is managed by the OCPO who sets the policy on content, functionality and coordinates the administration with users at national, provincial and local government level.

This portal provides the following functionality:

Commodity category : Eg. Motor vehicles or medical equipment;
Tender Type : Eg. Request for Bid (RFB), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Request for Information (RFI);
Tender Status : Eg. Published, Awarded, and Cancelled;
Region : Eg. Province, Department, Municipality, District;
Sector : Eg. Health, Education or Transport;

There is no charge to contracting authorities or suppliers for this service. eTender Publishing Portal is also freely available for use by the oversight bodies, media and the public.